My Story
I joined Scentsy as a way to make extra money. I was really struggling to afford my medications and groceries each month! I figured I’d sell some wax and a few warmers and make the money I needed to stop struggling every month. I never imagined how much it would change my life!!
I was declared disabled with CFS/ME in 1992, Fibromyalgia in 2006 and am struggling with immune system problems daily. I have only briefly been able to work outside my home since I was 16. In 2014 I attended a Scentsy party that my cousin had. I had never even heard of Scentsy at the time, but one sniff was all it took and I was in love! I booked my own party that day and at my party talked to the Consultant about joining. After a lot of thought and research about the company, I decided to join!
Scentsy has given me a sense of purpose again! I finally feel like I’m contributing and have a life. I’ve made amazing friends, both customers and team members. I have the support and positivity from my Scentsy family that I didn’t know my life was missing!! I can work from home, even from bed on my “down days”, and I’m successful like I never dreamed I could be! I am proof that anyone can do this! No matter what obstacles you face in life!
I still struggle every day with my health but my business and my team are consistently growing beyond my wildest expectations. My customers and my team are equally to thank for that. Scentsy has become more than a hobby to earn extra money; it has become an integral part of my life. I now have a reason to get up each day and spend time doing something I love! Whether I’m on Facebook at the grocery store or even a doctor’s office, I love sharing Scentsy with everyone! $99 has truly changed my life and inspiring others to change theirs has become my greatest joy!
If you’re ready to take the leap, dedicate just a little time each day and SHARE these amazing products and company, join my Scentsy family!! It’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made too!